Volunteer With Us
Join us in protecting our local ecosystems from the threat of invasive species. Our goal is to preserve and protect our native habitats. Learn more about how you can volunteer with CAKE CISMA!
-Change to whatever you would like! or just take away.. I can't tell if it looks good here or not.
Change little icons and pictures to better ones, I just added whatever was in here! I also couldn't get the 4th one in line with the others. Let me know if you need anything changed!
Native Garden Maintenance & Planting
Help us to maintain our native gardens as well as plant native species!
Dune Restoration
Join us in our seasonal Dune pulls and help restore our beloved Michigan Dune areas!
Hemlock Wooly Adelgid Surveys
Help us survey and monitor hemlock wooly adelgid infestations!
Invasive Species Removal
Roadside Monitoring
Lake Monitoring
Join us in the field to help remove a variety of invasive species including Autumn Olive, Spotted Knapweed, Garlic Mustard and more!
Help us by watching the roadsides for any invasive species!
Monitor our lakes for aquatic invasive species!