Invasive Honeysuckles
Lonicera xbella & Lonicera morrowii & Lonicera tatarica
Why is it a problem?
There are three species of honeysuckle in Michigan that are a threat to our natural areas. Invasive honeysuckles outcompete native species in our natural areas, which are an essential food resources for birds, and other wildlife. Invasive honeysuckles disrupt the balance of native ecosystems.
How to identify it?
Honeysuckle is a shrub that can reach heights of 20 feet. Its leaves are simple, oval-shaped, and arranged opposite each other. Some varieties may have hairy leaves. The flowers typically bloom from May to June and can be red, white, or pink, depending on the species. The bark is greyish-brown and often appears to be peeling.
How to manage it?
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.